
Marilyn Yohe, Lic.Ac., MAOM is a licensed practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Cambridge, MA (see below for a full bio).

Welcome to my blog!  Blogging is part of my passion for helping people improve their quality of life by overcoming the physical and emotional health problems that get in their way.  I believe strongly — because I’ve seen it so many times — in the human body’s innate and amazing ability to heal.  And, I’ve seen how acupuncture, herbal medicine, and supportive lifestyle choices can make a huge difference in helping this happen.

In my practice, I specialize in conditions that have not responded well to Western medical treatment, including IBS and other digestive disorders, migraines, musculoskeletal problems, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, women’s health concerns, infertility, and skin conditions. It’s amazing to watch people get better when they’ve been told there is nothing more that can be done.

I place a strong emphasis on understanding health as a unique balance between your particular body, what you’re doing and thinking, how you’re feeling, and what’s going on around you. I encourage people to support their own health and healing through informed choices about food, exercise, relaxation, and other life circumstances.  This blog is meant to provide information on what you can do, for yourself or with an experienced practitioner, to improve your own well-being and enjoy your life.

I came to acupuncture myself, in part, through my own process of healing from injuries related to a car accident.  I was told to expect very little in the way of recovery, and (because I’m either persistent or stubborn, depending who you ask) I immediately set about finding healing resources and proving that wrong.  I know what it’s like to live with pain and disability; to need help; and to nurture my own body and life through many stages of growth and healing.

I also have a background in education and counseling, including experience as a self-defense instructor, domestic violence advocate, and outdoor adventure facilitator. My work is also informed by my practice of insight meditation and yoga, and I aspire to bring this appreciation of clarity, mindfulness, and acceptance to my writing, teaching, and work with others.

If you want to reach me, here is my contact information:

Cambridge Health Associates
335 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02140



My Bio:

Marilyn Yohe, Lic.Ac., MAOM, is a licensed and national board certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. She is a graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture in Watertown, MA, where she earned a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Marilyn has additional training in the Dr. Tan Balance Method; Dr. Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture for neurolgical and pain conditions; and in treating infertility and working with pregnant and breastfeeding women. She has interned at several Boston-area clinics, including Pathways to Wellness/AIDS Care Project and the Dimock Community Health Center.

Marilyn practices acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine at Cambridge Health Associates in Cambridge, MA.  In addition to her private practice, Marilyn teaches on the faculty of the New England School of Acupuncture. Marilyn also volunteers for the Veterans’ Community Acupuncture Project, where she is working to set up and staff a free weekly acupuncture clinic for veterans.

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